Christmas Steve
Christmas Steve
Ep 1 - Finding The One
In the 1st of this 5 Episode scripted series, young doctor, Izzy Casey, returns home for the Holidays to snowy Whitefish Bay, WI. And she only has one thing on her Shopping List this year: True Love. Will she find it?
SUBSCRIBE for all 5 Episodes. New episodes each week in Dec.
Created (and voiced) by real life husband-and-wife Anne Gregory (Parks And Rec) & Sean Casey (Hollywood Darlings).
Sound Design, Editing & Mixing - Landon Kirksey
And featuring the voice talents of:
Izzy Casey - Anne Gregory
Christmas Steve - Patrick McIntyre (The List)
Ben Douglass - Sean Casey
Woman On Plane/Susan Casey - Jen Burton (I’m Sorry)
Margaret Casey - Julie Brister (Goliath)
Brendan Casey - Dave Theune (I Am Not Okay With This)
Dasher/Connor/Jake/Kids - Landon Kirksey (TripTank)
Elf Person - Renee McIntyre (Christmas Steve Podcast)
Christmas Steve was recorded October 2020, with each voice actor performing remotely. Series Producer, Landon Kirksey, coordinated performance footage taken on phones, from inside closets, and across three timezones, and blended them together seamlessly to make each scene sound as if it was recorded together. With over 163 pages of scripted material recorded in two-and-a-half weeks, his editing skills are a Real Holiday Miracle.
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EPISODE 1: CHRISTMAS STEVE FADE IN: INT. AIRPLANE Muffled in flight engine sounds. BEEP - PA System CAPTAIN (over speakers) We are beginning our final descent to Milwaukee. Flight crew prepare the cabin. PA clicks off. Engine downshifts for descent. A woman, IZZY (27), closes her laptop. NOTE: Izzy’s like a Madmen S1 Peggy Olsen at this point. IZZY -sighs- An older woman, SANDY (kindly), leans over from the other seat. SANDY Good movie? IZZY Yes. SANDY It must’ve been. I saw you crying. IZZY Yeah, but it wasn’t my fault. I blame the Hallmark movie people for making me feel every emotion. At once. It’s too much. SANDY Oh you don’t have to be embarrassed. I cry all the time. Semi-awkward pause. SANDY Let me guess - it was one of those movies where the big city girl goes back home for the holidays and falls in love with the small town guy and it’s all thanks to the magic of Christmas. IZZY (guilty-as-charged) Yeah, that’s pretty much the one. SANDY I like them, too. I’m Sandy. IZZY Izzy. SANDY What a fun nickname for a college student. IZZY I’m 27. SANDY Let me ask you something. Don’t you think those Christmas movies are-- IZZY --a bit ‘unrealistic’? Like ‘who falls in love that quickly’? SANDY Not reall-- IZZY (serious) --It’s a solid question, Sandy. Women who are busy. That’s who. Women who worked hard their entire lives. Who went straight from high school to undergrad to med school to a very demanding residency and had zero time to date because their schedule was so grueling. Maybe those women return home and, for once in their lives, actually have the time and emotional energy to date. SANDY I-- IZZY (cutting her off) --and I don’t have time. I have from now through to Christmas to visit my family and potentially meet the love of my life because the Holidays are “the most wonderful time of the year.” They are, right? We all agree. SANDY Eh, yes, but-- IZZY I am being a little starry-eyed. Guilty. And yes, maybe I’m wearing snow-covered goggles. And I know it’s a little unreasonable, but I’ve only got one thing on my shopping list this year and it’s True Love. And I can’t let anything get in the way of that. PA BINGS. CAPTAIN Current temperature in Milwaukee is zero degrees before wind chill, with expected snow this evening... after snowing earlier today. IZZY Except that. Listen to me, blabbing on like a real nutburger. What were you going to say? SANDY You’re not a nutburger, dearie, but you did get so wrapped up in your story you wrapped your scarf up in your laptop and it looks like you-- SFX: heavy plastic ca-thunks as her laptop tumbles off the laptop tray onto her and the floor. IZZY Oooo. That’s...unfortunate. SFX: Plane landing sound - wheel skrrch. Cross fade to music start. FESTIVE MUSIC TRANSITION - MAIN XMAS STEVE THEME INT. CASEY HOME - LIVING ROOM SFX: From outside, the sound of a mittened-fist, knocking on the door followed by stomping the snow off boots. IZZY (from outside) Hello? Anybody home? IZZY (V.O.) Hi - real quick before you meet my family. I’ll be popping in here and there to describe what’s going on since you can’t see it. I’ll try not to be too snarky, but sometimes it’s tricky with family. SFX: door open. BRENDAN Izzy! MARGARET (O.C.) Izzy Lizzy, hair is frizzy! NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Let me do the intros. The small high-energy woman wearing a Christmas robe over sensible slacks? That’s my mom, Margaret. MARGARET Come here! Let me look at you. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) She fusses. MARGARET Are they taking care of you in Los Angeles? IZZY I’m an adult, Mom. I take care of myself. MARGARET When’s the last time you changed your contacts? You look tired. Are you remembering to pee after sex? I was just reading this article - BRENDAN She doesn’t have to hear about that. Hi honey. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) And the tall, somber silver-haired character wearing reindeer antlers- That’s Dad. He’s the nicest man-- BRENDAN Here, let me take those for you. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) --slash biggest downer you’ll ever meet. BRENDAN Did you hear? Pat Santilly’s brother passed away. So very sad. IZZY I don’t know who Pat Santilly is. MARGARET He goes to our church. BRENDAN Very sudden loss. A tragedy. (brightening) But good news, there’s bacon in the kitchen if you’re back to eating four-legged animals. IZZY Thanks! NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Their love language is cured meats. Okay, the Casey house. Let me describe. It’s quaint and cozy and stuffed to the brim with kitschy Christmas decorations of all kind, including, and especially, a borderline-illegal number of miniature Dickens Village Christmas houses which occupy nearly every flat surface available. Hello tiny houses. (then bad cockney accent) ‘Ello, missus. Spare a copper for a midwife wit’ sooty lungs? BARKELY (interrogative dog noise) IZZY Barkley! C’mere doggo. A shaggy dog trots over. IZZY I missed you. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Feels like I’m forgetting someone. Izzy ruffles Barkley’s fur. He pants and makes happy sounds. IZZY Phew, Barkley. You stink. The kitchen door swings open. SUSAN (thick Wisconsin accent) Not as bad as you. Yikes. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Ah yes. My older sister, Susan. SUSAN Do us all a favor and take a shower, Izzy. IZZY You first. You smell like mistletoe. Oh no wait, just ‘toe.’ SUSAN No time to shower. Had ta get up early ta claim the bacon. By the way, there’s none left. I ate it all. MARGARET Susan! I told you to leave some for Izzy. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Here we go, already arguing. IZZY It’s okay, Mom. I’ll get a toaster strudel or something. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Cue my mother the martyr. MARGARET Izzy, I can go to the store and get some more bacon if you want. IZZY I don’t need bacon. I’m fine. MARGARET No, I’ll scrape the car and shovel the driveway so I can go and get you-- NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) And cue Izzy the petulant child. IZZY MOM! I SAID I’M FINE. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Ugh. I’m trying to be less triggered this Christmas, but whaddya gonna do? Family’s gonna family. MARGARET How ‘bout we all go into town together? Run some errands and see the lights! Won’t that be fun? NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) What I wanted to say was, “Ah yes, won’t that be fun. Making my first public appearance in town alongside the three wingmen of the apocalypse. Hard pass.” What I actually said was-- IZZY But I just got here. MARGARET Well, too bad ‘cause we’re going to have a Casey Christmas Fun Day! Right, Brendan? BRENDAN (O.S.) (sighing) Just do what she says, kids. MARGARET Izzy, get dressed. IZZY I am dressed, Mom. SUSAN You’re not ‘Casey Christmas’ dressed! Susan takes off her robe, revealing a HORRIBLE BEDAZZLED HOLIDAY SWEATER. She smiles and stands next to her parents. THEY ARE ALL WEARING THE SAME SWEATER. IZZY No. Not the sweaters. SUSAN (smiling) You betcha, the sweaters! NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Every year, since birth, my mother has created...forged...with her bare hands, matching family sweaters to wear in public. Each year is a different theme, but my shame? Identical. I can’t let this happen again. I am a grown woman with agency and this toxic pattern must be broken-- SUSAN (O.S.) Think fast, biotch! WHUMP! The thrown holiday sweater hits Izzy direct in the face. IZZY Ow. You hit me with wool. EXT. WHITEFISH BAY TOWN SQUARE - DAY CUE: Town Square theme music. SFX: light outdoor hustle and bustle. Piped in music. Walking on the slushy sidewalk. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) A short, cold car ride later we arrived at the Whitefish Bay town square. It was snowy and festive and all decked out for Christmas. Just like the Casey clan in their mortifying matching sweaters. Was I wearing my sweater? No way. No how. I was on a mission to meet a mate and that required plausible deniability. Was I with these people? Sure. But I didn’t want anyone to think I was one of them. SUSAN Hey, there’s Santa’s Village! MARGARET Everyone! Show Santa your sweaters. IZZY Don’t you guys want coats or jackets? NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Or anything else to hide in. BRENDAN It’s fifteen degrees out today. For us, it’s balmy! MARGARET I hope you girls thought about what you want to ask Santa for. IZZY (muttered) A different family. MARGARET Izzy! Do not Home Alone us. SUSAN I’m gonna ask for a faster Internet so I can do non-pixelated video chats with Yan. IZZY A - we all know you’re lying about your Danish boyfriend and B - you can’t ask for a faster Internet, dummy. You ask for a faster Internet connection. SUSAN No doy! But Mom and Dad pay for my Internet, so I wouldn’t ask Santa for that. That’d be dumb. Plus, Santa is magic so he can figure out a whole faster Internet. IZZY (to parents) You pay for her Internet? SUSAN And phone. Unlike some people, I went to an in-state school which charged in-state prices. BRENDAN She does have a point. IZZY You’re taking her side?! Ugh. I need coffee. MARGARET Don’t wander off! None of us charged our phones. Izzy stomps away toward a store. IZZY (yelling back) OF COURSE YOU DIDN’T! MARGARET I can’t tell if she’s better or worse this year. BRENDAN I’d never support drug use, but I do like her better on the caffeine. INT. PROVISIONS MARKET - MOMENTS LATER NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) So I fled to my happy place - i.e. anywhere far from my embarrassing family. What I found was a coffee shop. Or was it? Yes, it was a coffee roaster with heavenly baked goods, but also an upscale deli and maybe a cheese shop? And brewery? Chalk-walls, exposed brick, edison bulbs shining down from high wooden rafters. This place had potential. And not just for drinks. There were men everywhere. Good looking guys all by their lonesomes, in smart jackets and scarves, drawn like moths to the flame of masculine safety promised by a converted industrial space. God rest ye merry gentlemen. I surveyed both the pastry case and the crowd. Zero holiday sweaters. CONNOR Hey Jake. JAKE Heya Connor. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Yassss. A tasty selection of local offerings. I followed my future husband, Connor, to the end of the coffee line. I was just about to make myself irresistible, when, from way up at the front-- A LOUD MAN’S VOICE blares from the front of the line. He is BEN DOUGLASS (27, handsome yet scruffy). He’s bundled up in a heavy overcoat. BEN I just want a regular coffee. No toffee nut cocoa. No peppermint. Nothing holiday themed. Can you please make it happen? (reading) “Dasher?” BARISTA That is a joke nametag. BEN You picked it. BARISTA But you’re not supposed to actually use it. BEN Don’t be ashamed of your choices, bud. BARISTA (sighing) Did you want chestnut marshmallows-- MAN’S VOICE (O.S.) -- Drip. Coffee. The stuff that led our great-grandfathers to victory in the Spanish-American War. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Who is this Grinch getting in the way of me and Connor? BARISTA We have holiday spice cider with frosted vanilla swizzles. BEN Oh, c’mon! I mean, do any of you order this frippery? PEOPLE IN LINE Yes / sometimes IZZY ‘frippery’? BEN My fellow citizens -- Izzy pops out from the line to confront Ben. IZZY Hey, History Channel! Just order your coffee and move on. Some of us have... (looking at Connor) ... ‘other things’ to do today. (flirty) Hi. Connor, can you believe this guy? BEN I was just-- IZZY -- Um, Mr. ‘Small Town jibber jabber’ -- BEN -- Whitefish Bay is a suburb of Milwaukee. It’s not a ‘small town.’ IZZY Not the point. Just pick a beverage! BEN (muttering) We have a thriving art scene and the Bucks have shown leadership both on and off the court. IZZY Blah-blah-blah. You’re still talking. BEN Wait... do I know you? IZZY I don’t think so. Does anyone know anyone? BEN No! You’re Liz Casey. Yeah, I sat behind you in A.P. Chem. CONNOR I’m outta here. IZZY Wait, Connor. No! BEN It’s me, Ben Douglass! Actually, ‘Dr. Ben Douglass’ now. IZZY (annoyed) Cool, I’m also a doctor. BEN You don’t have to say that just because I said it. IZZY I am! I’m a doctor. Fer realz. BEN Okay, what kind of doctor? I’m a veterinarian. People call us Vets... except for veterans. They get dibs on the shortened version if we’re both in the same room. IZZY Cool story. BEN Stolen Valor is an unspeakable crime. IZZY Well, I’m a real doctor. For humans. Not gerbils. BEN Spoiler, people care more about pets than they do about humans, so a vet’s pretty much the most important doctor there is. IZZY That makes no sense. BEN Agree to... agree... with myself. IZZY Just order a coffee! GEEZE! BEN (to barista) Okay, Dasher my old barista friend, how about ‘whatever the lady wants?’ and I’ll have the same. IZZY You said you don’t like holiday drinks, right? MUSIC STING CUT TO: INT. PROVISIONS MARKET - MOMENTS LATER BEN This is a ridiculous beverage. How do you even drink one of these? Is that spun sugar on top? IZZY It’s a nest. A caramel nest. The straw is also a cookie. Ben takes a sip and gets whipped cream on his face. BEN Mmm, tastes like adult onset diabetes. IZZY Thank you for the drink. Also, you have a little whipped cream on your BEN Oh? IZZY Whole face. The whole thing. BEN You don’t remember me from high school, do you? (then deep sigh) Year-round shorts. IZZY (realizing) You’re the guy who wore shorts all year. Aww! And you had a name... BEN Still do. It’s Ben. IZZY I almost didn’t recognize you without-- BEN The Baja. IZZY YES! The Baja! Wow. Nature’s most woven hoodie. BEN And the Birkenstocks. IZZY With their Birkenstock aroma. Birkenstocks should be banned from public spaces. BEN Okay, easy now. I smell different these days. IZZY I get it, being around animals all day improved your ‘rank stank.’ BEN As much as we’d all like to carry the baggage of our high school identities around with us forever-- IZZY -- Wait, are you-- you’re not, are you? BEN Not what? IZZY You’re wearing shorts right now, aren’t you?! BEN I am wearing a winter-appropriate overcoat. IZZY And underneath? BEN Is my business. IZZY Show me your legs. BEN Fine. IZZY I knew it! Ahahhah! BEN I’m on my way to the gym, I’ll have you know. IZZY Oh, Shorts-All-Year Ben, you haven’t changed at all. BEN You, neither, Izzy. I remember you being both intelligent and surprisingly cruel. I’m going to leave now. Enjoy your insulin grande. IZZY And you enjoy touring... with the Barenaked Leggies. BEN That’s a very dated reference! IZZY You got it! BEN Well, you-- He bites down a salty comment. BEN -- you have yourself a merry little Christmas. IZZY ‘Shorts’ but sweet, Dr. Ben. Bye. SFX: Doorbell chime as Izzy exits the shop. IZZY -sigh - So I hadn’t met my hometown hunk yet, but maybe I’d find him in line waiting for Santa. Nevermind. Scratch that. There was no way I was going to meet a guy surrounded by my family. SHORT MUSIC STING TRANSITION. EXT. WHITEFISH BAY TOWN SQUARE - DAY Izzy rejoins her family at the cute Santa’s Village, waiting in a long line to see Santa. IZZY Whattup, dorks? Miss me? SUSAN (to Izzy) What took you so long? (then) Oof. I hafta use the potty. IZZY Adults call it a bathroom. MARGARET Susan, we’re next in line. Try to hold it. IZZY Because you’re thirty. Why are we even seeing Santa? We’re too old for this. SANTA (O.C.) Ho-ho-ho! SFX: small crowd clapping. MARGARET It’s a tradition, Izzy Bear. BRENDAN Did the coffee help you regain some of your holiday cheer? We saw Annie LeClare. Her mother’s in hospice after slipping on black ice and shattering her knee. IZZY Well if I wasn’t happy before that image did it. They reach the front. A cheery woman dressed in an elf outfit ELF LADY (40) stands next to a tripod mounted camera. ELF LADY Season’s Greetings, family. Are you ready to meet Santa? BRENDAN Well don’t tell us we can’t-a! MARGARET Izzy, are you taking that drink with you on Santa’s lap? IZZY Drinking is the only way I’m getting through this. EXT. SANTA’S VILLAGE - MOMENTS LATER NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Moments later, there we were, just two adult sisters wearing fuzzy reindeer antlers while both seated on a strange man’s lap. Completely normal stuff. SANTA Oof! Ho-ho-ho! Ready for your photo? IZZY Or Death. SUSAN Speak for yourself. Yan’s gonna love this. IZZY Yan can’t feel love because Yan, unlike this latte, doesn’t exist. SFX: straw sipping sound. ELF LADY Here comes the camera. Say ‘Cheese-curds’ on the count of three. One-- MARGARET Izzy, smile baby. IZZY (strained smile) I am. ELF LADY --Two-- MARGARET No, you look like you’re in pain. Stop making that face! ELF LADY --Three! IZZY THIS IS MY FACE, MOM! MARGARET THEN GET A DIFFERENT FACE! SUSAN Cheesecurds, jerks! SFX: flashbulbs / camera clicks ELF LADY Okay, sparkles and blessings, ‘reindearies’-- SUSAN -- Just a minnit, Elf Lady. Gotta give the big guy here my wish list and it’s a doozy. Santa, hope you got a good memory. SANTA Santa remembers everything, little gir-- young-ish lady. ELF LADY I’m sorry. Actual children are waiting in line. SUSAN They can wait. (throat clear) Here goes, Santa. I want a condo in Tampa ‘cause Busch Gardens is my jam. And then I want Three Nintendo Switches. SANTA One is enough for any-- SUSAN --I said three. I need back-ups ‘cause I play video games in the tub. It’s almost a zero G environment. And the thing I want most of all - my biggest Christmas wish - a one-way business class ticket from Copenhagen to Milwaukee. I wanna spend Christmas with my Danish boyfriend, Yan. IZZY Yan’s not real. SANTA Ho-ho-ho! That’s quite a list. And anything for you, young lady? IZZY Oh, I’m good with my latte. It’s a venti. That’s Italian for ‘emotional support’ size. SANTA (earnest) Wait. You can tell me. What do you want? SF: A bell chime “twinkle” in Santa’s eye melts Izzy’s cynicism a little. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) I don’t know what it was, but there was something about the way he asked me. I couldn’t hold back. IZZY I want... someone special. Someone kind, who has their life together, an adult, but impressive, like they walk into a room and everyone’s like wow. Like Idris-Elba-in-a-suit wow. He doesn’t have to be perfect, but he can be close. I’ve worked so hard for so long and it’s time. It’s time I get him, the “hot guy” who is as hot outside as he is inside. The successful guy. The nice guy. The total package. Who’s up for a new adventure everyday and sets my heart on fire. Who knocks me over every time he kisses me. He knows exactly what he wants and what he wants is me. Can I have that? Am I allowed to have that, because it’s what I want, more than anything. SANTA Well...I think... Izzy looks at Santa and sees more than a twinkle - his EYES ARE GORGEOUS. The kind of eyes you could drown in. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Did Santa just wink at me?! Izzy’s dazzled. IZZY Santa, your eyes are gorgeous. She shakes herself out of it. IZZY Ew! So wrong. So much wrong! What am I saying? Flustered, Izzy shifts to escape. IZZY My best to the missus, you married man who is married to Mrs. Claus. Bye now! Izzy gets up off Santa’s knee. SUSAN Okey-doke. Time ta hop off and use the little elf’s room. Whoa, s’cuse me. Full grown lady with a full-grown bladder, tryin’ ta stand. SANTA Whoa - hold on. IZZY Susan! SUSAN Getting a little lost in the jolly elf’s belly. That’s padding. Can’t really find the push off. SANTA There are two of you, on my-- IZZY Cut it out! SANTA Ooo! SUSAN (straining) Here’s some leverage. Watch that drink, Izzy. IZZY Susan! SUSAN Izzy! SFX: SPLAT! Empty-cup-falling-on-ground sound Crowd gasp. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) No! I spilled my hot coffee all over hot santa’s lap. SUSAN (laughing) -- YOU PEED YOUR PANTS! AHAAHAHAH! IZZY I DIDN’T PEE MY PANTS! SUSAN Ahhahah! You peed on Santa! AHAHAH, because I’m the one who had to use the baffroom. Hahah! Oops. Still do. IZZY I’m so sorry. SANTA Not to worry. SUSAN Hey, everyone! It’s beginning to feel a lot like Piss-mas. Ha! Okay, I’m out. Susan scurries away. Izzy looks down at the huge WET SPOT on Santa’s lap. IZZY I am so, so sorry. I have tissues. Right here in my purse. SANTA That’s alright. Happens a lot with the kids. IZZY Yeah, ‘with the kids’. I’m such a child. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) I started blotting down the mess, and hopefully the events of the last few minutes-- SANTA (in normal voice) -- Umm... you don’t have to do that- NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) -- And I didn’t realize I was cleaning up Santa’s pants leg and-- SANTA --Ho-ho-NO! You are seriously close to, my/the uh... Santa’s North Pole. Izzy looks down and realizes she is blotting near Santa’s CROTCH. IZZY Sweet snowballs! Santa gets up. SANTA It’s alright. I’ll just go in the back. IZZY I can help. I’m coming with you. He heads back behind a curtain to the “back stage” Santa area. Izzy follows. They’re out of public sight. ELF LADY Santa will be right back, everyone. He’s just...checking things twice. EXT. SANTA’S VILLAGE BACKSTAGE - CONTINUOUS NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) So there I was, backstage with Santa. I had spilled on him, crossed every personal space boundary there is, and what could possibly come next. SANTA One sec. With the beard on, I can’t quite see the stain I’m dealing with here. Santa takes off his beard and hat. IZZY You’re taking off your beard...and now your shirt. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) All my life I have been skeptical of miracles, but what I witnessed that December Day was pure magic. Before my eyes a jolly old elf transformed into the single most attractive man I have ever seen. Santa was a babe. IZZY Milk and cookies! NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) I actually said that out loud. This is STEVE (30). He smiles at Izzy who smiles back. STEVE (SANTA) Hi. I’m Steve. That’s my real name. Can you hand me that shirt? IZZY (very fast) Oh, hi. I’m Izzy... I mean Liz - Doctor Liz. But people call me Izzy when I’m back home. But actually, not a ton of people NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Slow it down, Izzy. IZZY ‘Cause I haven’t retained close ties to the Milwaukee area since leaving for college and yeah that’s all of it. STEVE ... Izzy Casey? IZZY How did you know? STEVE I’m Santa. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) He was magic! STEVE Joking. I recognized your sister. I try not to say anything while I’m in the suit. Don’t want to ruin the illusion. IZZY Nooo. If people knew who was under the suit they - they, ah. Couldn’t handle it. STEVE I kind of remember you from high school. IZZY Who remembers high school?! (then) I do. Vividly. I rolled deep with science club, debate team and my honors choir peeps. Just straight chillin’ like a high-achievin’ villain. STEVE You’re funny... IZZY ... Yeah... I’m not trying to be. So is this like your job? You’re Santa Claus for a career? NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Please say no. Please say no. STEVE Ha, no. This isn’t my job. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Yussss. STEVE I just volunteer. It’s fun. I actually own that shop right there. He points to Provisions - the shop Izzy just visited. IZZY You mean adorable place I was just at with the amazing coffee, homemade charcuterie and craft brews? STEVE Don’t forget the old timey candy. IZZY Wow.... Izzy stares up at Steve all googly-eyed. KID (O.S.) Is Santa coming back?! KID 2 We’ve been waiting. IZZY NOT AS LONG AS ME, KID! (to Steve) I mean. (flirty laugh). Yeah. Steve puts his Santa beard and cap back on. STEVE I should probably head back out there-- IZZY -- Yeah. Gotta keep making everyone’s wishes come true. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Including mine. STEVE Are you, like, totally wet? IZZY ...WHAT?! (then realizing) Oh, from the coffee. No, I’m good. All good in the hood. Izzy offers her hand to shake. He does. IZZY Okay... well... nice meeting you, ‘Christmas Steve.’ Izzy turns around but then-- STEVE Any chance you’re going to the Tree Lighting Ceremony tonight? She turns back around and smiles. IZZY Yeah. Wouldn’t miss it. Love trees! Trees are my fave. STEVE Okay... maybe I’ll see you there. IZZY Yeah... maybe! -snort laugh- They walk out. Santa waves to the crowd. They cheer. NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) Wow. Just wow. In that moment I understood the true message of Christmas as delivered by our heavenly sister St Mariah of Carey. And I quote. “I don’t want a lot for Christmas. I just want one single thing. Something something. Other Lyrics. Make my wish come true. Baby, all I want for Christmas is you.” MUSIC CUE: knock off. Mariah Carey’s All I Want For Christmas NARRATOR IZZY (V.O.) I met him. I met my guy! Now I just had to figure out the best way to land, the best way to observe, nay, the best way to celebrate this Christmas Steve. END EPSIODE 1